Archeparchy of Winnipeg

Christmas Activities and Icebreakers!

GUESS THE CHRISTMAS CAROL (Answers below; don’t peek yet!)

  1. Approach everyone who is steadfast.
  2. Ecstasy toward the orb.
  3. Listen, the foretelling spirits harmonize.
  4. Hey, minuscule urban area south of Jerusalem.
  5. Quiescent nocturnal period.
  6. The autocratic troika originating near the ascent of Apollo.
  7. The primary carol.
  8. Embellish the corridors.
  9. I’m fantasizing concerning a blanched Yuletide.
  10. I observed my maternal parent osculating with a corpulent, unshaven male in crimson disguise.
  11. During the time ovine caretakers supervised their charges.
  12. Virtuous royal philanthropist.
  13. The thing manifested itself at the onset of a transparent day.
  14. What offspring abides thus?
  15. Removed in a bovine feeding trough.
  16. Valentino, the roseate proboscis wapiti.
  17. The slight percussionist lad.
  18. Father Christmas approaches the metropolis.
  19. Seraphim we aurally detected in the stratosphere.
  20. The Creator reassures you, lively fellows.



  1. O Come, All Ye Faithful
  2. Joy to the World
  3. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
  4. O Little Town of Bethlehem
  5. Silent Night
  6. We Three Kings of Orient Are
  7. The First Noel
  8. Deck the Halls
  9. White Christmas
  10. I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
  11. While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night
  12. Good King Wenceslaus
  13. It came upon the Midnight Clear
  14. What Child Is This?
  15. Away in a Manger
  16. Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer
  17. Little Drummer Boy
  18. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
  19. Angels We Have Heard on High
  20. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen


Christmas – Find Out Who Game

The Goal is to Find out who has done everything on the list First… or just use it as an icebreaker!

Guest’s Name ____________________________

  1. Never has had a “White Christmas”_______________________________
  2. Has celebrated Christmas in another country_____________________
  3. Returned a gift s/he received last Christmas_______________________
  4. Has seen a real, live reindeer ___________________________________
  5. Believed in Santa Claus until s/he was 10 years old)_______________
  6. Loves the Christmas song “What child is this?”_____________________
  7. Has been to Bethlehem____________________________________________
  8. Went Christmas caroling last year_________________________________
  9. Has peaked at a present before Christmas________________________
  10. Still gets his/her own stocking filled each year__________________
  11. Has all his/her Christmas shopping done______________________
  12. Hasn’t done any of his/her Christmas shopping yet ________________
  13. Has never seen “It’s a Wonderful Life”___________________________
  14. Has seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” too many times____________________
  15. Has “regifted” a Christmas present______________________________
  16. Knows all the reindeers names __________________________________
  17. Has never made snowman__________________________________
  18. Knows what s/he is getting for Christmas this year________________
  19. Has made “figgy pudding” at least once____________________________
  20. Doesn’t like eggnog______________________________________

It’s a a race to be the first person to fill in the blanks with someone who fits the description!!

Pass the Gift Game Poem

Materials: One wrapped gift (does not need to be expensive, a dollar store item is fine); and poem below.

Procedure: Read the poem below to pass the gift around and see who ends up with it!

  1. Take this gift and with out a sigh look around, then give to a woman with eyes of brown.
  2. Yes, you are the lucky one for a moment, but let us all share in the fun! Please look around with eyes discreet, and give it to the one with the smallest feet.
  3. Your feet are tiny and very small, now hand the gift to someone tall.
  4. Please take your time and don’t be harried. Give it to the one who is longest married.
  5. You must be proud of your life, now please pass this to the newest wife.
  6. Of this parcel you are bereft, give it to the one on your left.
  7. The largest earrings we are looking for now, if you are wearing them, step up and bow.
  8. Now to the person with button, big, small, any kind… the most you can find, gets the gift this time.
  9. Now don’t get cross and please don’t fight, but pass it to the person third on your right.
  10. We should stop soon don’t you agree, The gift is yours to keep with glee!

If you would like, you can add this last “twist”…

  1. Inside you’ll see another gift…to continue the game. Pass it to your neighbor on the left, she’ll be glad she came!

left right nativity game

The Left Right Nativity Game is one of my favorite party games!

It’s perfect for an ornament exchange or a $5 gift exchange.

Group size: 5 or more – can be done in one large circle or multiple smaller circles (if group is larger than 30 people)

Time needed: 20 minutes

Supplies: One gift for each person; one copy of the story

Instructions: Have everyone grab their gift and form a circle(s) either standing or sitting down. Say:I’ve got a special Christmas story to read to you tonight (today). You’ll need to pay extra close attention so you’ll know when you need to take action. When I read the word RIGHT, you’re going to pass your gift to the RIGHT. When I read the word LEFT, you’re going to pass your gift to the LEFT. When the story is over whichever gift you are holding is yours.

Notes: You will need to read the story VERY slowly and loudly (use a microphone if needed). It helps if you emphasize “left” and “right” as you read. If the gift ends where it began ad lib an extra line: i.e.. “and that’s all that’s left of our story!”. Have a few extra gifts on hand in case someone has forgotten to bring theirs so that no one gets left out. You could also use this story to distribute several door prizes – just scatter them around the circle before you start.

Please follow the link to access the Left Right Nativity Story

Ornament Exchange

Ornament Exchanges are:

  • Quick
  • Easy
  • Affordable
  • Fun

Request that attendees (at a November/December fellowship) bring a wrapped ornament. Suggest that they spend no more than $5. Let them know that homemade ornaments are wonderful and welcome! You want this to be affordable and manageable for all of your group.

At the event place a table near the entry door for attendees to leave their gift.

Distribution ideas:

1. Have tables/groups come forward to select a package that they didn’t bring.

2. Number each package and have each attendee pull a number and pick up the corresponding package.

3. Make a large circle (or several smaller circles) and have women pass the packages to the right until the Christmas music stops.

4. The Left Right Nativity Game – instructions can be found here. That would be my personal pick!

Make sure you provide an opportunity for the big reveal – it gives everyone the opportunity to ooh and aah!

A Versatile Game

A fun game we played at a couple of our brunches over the years: Write the names of Christmas characters on individual slips of paper, e.g. Santa, Rudolph, Mary, Joseph, etc. Pin one on the BACK of each person as they arrive. Then as they mingle over punch or hot cider they must ask questions of others to learn their identity. The trick is though, that these questions must have a yes or no answer only! Like, “Am I a person?” or “Am I an animal?” Once they have solved their identity they can take their slip of paper off. You can make the characters as easy or difficult as you like.  Printable version at:

Lights Stockings
Tinsel Snow
Elves Turkey
Candle Ornament
A Christmas Carol Tune Wise Men
Shepherd Manger
Star Gifts
Mistletoe Fireplace
Potpourri Carolers
Shopper Christmas music
Christmas Cookies Baby Jesus
Christmas Tree Silent Night
Camel Frankincense
Santa Egg Nog
Reindeer Rudolph
Candy Cane Frosty the Snowman
Peace on Earth


White Elephant

Everyone takes a number and #1 goes first and picks a gift….#2 then can steal from number 1 or pick a new gift. #3 can steal from those open already or get a new one from the pile, etc. The highest numbers are best because you can steal from anyone who has opened already or get one remaining from the pile. If you steal, the person who lost theirs opens up a new one.


Play a game and let those winning first get first pick from the pile….you could do the name game where you have the name of a person, place or thing on a sticker on the back of their shirt. They have to ask yes or no answer questions to find out what or who they are. Like “am I human?” “am I soft?” “do I have hair?”, “do I breath?” and others they mingle with have to answer with yes or no. Once you have guessed what’s on your back you can go to the present table and pick a wrapped or unwrapped gift.  You can go with the theme. For example for Christmas I used names like Star of Bethlehem, Frosty, baby Jesus, Mary, snowflake, reindeer, gift, manger, etc.

Fun Paper Plate Christmas Game


All you need are sturdy paper plates (I got mine at Costco) and pens for each player.

The host tells the players to put their paper plate on their head.

Then the host will give a series of instructions for the players to draw on their paper plates (that are on their heads) without looking.

Here are the instructions:

1. Draw a line for a floor.
2. Draw a Christmas Tree.  Add decorations if you feel so inclined.
3. Draw a star on top of your tree.
4. Draw a fireplace with a mantel next to the tree.
5. Draw a stocking hanging from the mantel of your fireplace.
6. Draw a present below the tree.

After the six steps have been given, let everyone look at their masterpieces.

Get ready for a serious giggle fest.

Then have players count up how many points they received by following this rubric:

1. 2 points if the tree touches the floor.
2. 2 points if your stocking is touching your mantel.
3. 1 point if your star touches your tree.
4. 1 point if your star is above your tree.
5. 1 point for every Christmas ornament ball that is ON your tree, etc.
6. 1 point if your fireplace doesn’t touch the tree (it’s a fire hazard!). 🙂
7. 1 point if you actually drew something decorative on your stocking (or something cute, like a tiny kitten peeking out).
8. 2 points if your present is under your tree.

The player with the most points should receive a really awesome prize (such as Christmas Window Clings).

Fun Paper Plate Christmas Game

The Great Christmas Candy Pass

In need of a quick Christmas icebreaker?

The Great Christmas Candy Pass is quick, easy, and inexpensive.

The Great Christmas Candy Pass

Supplies: 2-4 wrapped, hard candies (such as mints) per person; bag(s) or bowl(s) for each group to contain candies; printed list of questions

Participants needed: Group of at least 6; multiple groups seated at separate tables or in a circle will also work well.

Directions: Have group (or groups) sit or stand in a circle within easy reach. Ask each participant to take 2 mints (you could increase this to 3 or 4, but they all need to take the same number). Tell them that you will be asking the group questions. If their answer to the question is “yes”, they need to pass one piece of candy to the person on their right.

Winner: The person with the greatest numbers of candies wins (bragging rights or a small prize).  Let them eat their sweets when finished.

Notes: Big bags of mints can be purchased inexpensively at warehouse stores such as Sam’s Club. Be careful not to use something that could melt! Use the “printer button” at the bottom of the post to easily print off the questions.


1. Have you ever peaked at your Christmas presents?

2. Do you hang a stocking by your fireplace?

3. Have you finished Christmas shopping?

4. Do you like to drink egg nog?

5. Have you ever returned a Christmas gift?

6. Will you go Christmas caroling this year?

7. Do you own a Christmas sweater?

8. Will you be attending a Christmas Eve service this year?

9. Have you ever gotten coal in your stocking?

10. Have you ever had a white Christmas?

11. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve?

12. Do you get up early on Christmas morning?

13. Do you play Christmas music in your car?

14. Have you ever done a Random Act of Kindness at Christmas?

15. Do you eat ham on Christmas day?

16. Do you have a real Christmas tree?

17. Do you have an ornament with your name on it?

18. Do you buy Christmas presents for yourself?

19. Have you ever spent Christmas out of the country?

20. Do you like to make Christmas cookies?



Christmas Icebreaker Pick a Side

“Pick a Side” is a fun, quick game that involves the entire group.

Participants must decide which of two Christmas traditions, items, or activities they prefer.

Is your group more the “Elf” crowd or “It’s a Wonderful Life”?

Are they mostly hot chocolate or eggnog drinkers?

Do they admit they’ll re-gift or donate it?


Christmas: Pick a Side

Supplies: A line in the room (gymnasium lines work great, as does painters tape placed on the floor); list of questions; microphone for larger groups.

Participants needed: 5 or more people (the bigger your group the longer your line needs to be)

Directions: While group is still seated, explain that you’re going to play a Christmas game that forces them to “Pick a Side”. Their personal preference will determine which side of the line they’ll stand on. For example, if they prefer candy canes they’ll stand on the right side of the line and if they prefer chocolate Santas they’ll stand on the left side of the line. Once the directions have been made clear, instruct the group to get up and stand on the line. Read through the choices one at a time, encouraging the group to quickly “Pick a Side” after both options are given. Remind them that they need to pick one – no standing in the middle!

Notes: This game is intended to move along quickly or the group will get bored. I’ve found it easiest to stand at one end of the line and raise my hand to show which side of the line they need to move to. I.E. Candy canes this side, chocolate Santas this side. Depending on which way folks are standing right and left can get confusing. You do not need to use every item on the list – cut the game short if they seem to be losing interest. If the group is getting loud (which you want!) you’ll likely need to read the choices 2 or 3 times. If getting everyone up and in a line is not an option – have folks stand or sit.

Pick a Side List

  1. Fruit cake – love it or leave it
  2. Green or red
  3. Candy canes – peppermint or anything but
  4. Colored lights or white lights
  5. Eggnog or cocoa
  6. Real tree or artificial tree
  7. Wreaths or garland
  8. Ham or turkey
  9. Jingle Bells or Silent Night
  10. Christmas Eve – still shopping or finished
  11. Re-gift or donate
  12. Christmas – travel or stay home
  13. White Christmas or hold the snow!
  14. Tree up – Day after Thanksgiving or not until December
  15. Black Friday  – shopping or staying home
  16. Christmas cookies – homemade or store bought
  17. Big gift or lots of little gifts
  18. It’s a Wonderful Life or Elf
  19. Ice skating or Walking in a Winter Wonderland
  20. Charlie Brown Christmas or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

To print out this game, just click the printer icon below.

I hope your groups has fun with it!

wrap it up game

Christmas: Wrap It Up Game

This is one of my absolute, favorite games to play at Christmas parties. It always catches the group by surprise!

The key is keeping the item they’ll be wrapping a surprise! (Shhhh…they are going to wrap one of their team members!)

Christmas Wrap it Up Game

Group size:  9 or more

Time needed:   Approximately 20 minutes from start to finish

Supplies needed: For each team: 1 roll of wrapping paper, 1 pair of scissors, 1 roll of tape (You should be able to find all of them at the Dollar Tree.) Small prizes for the winning team (i.e. candy canes, Christmas chocolates, etc.)


  1. Divide the group into teams of  3-5 people.
  2. Distribute the supplies to each team.
  3. Say: Today (tonight) we’re going to test your gift wrapping skills. Each team will wrap ONE item and we’ll see who does the best job. When I say “GO!” you’ll have 5 minutes to wrap (insert dramatic pause) one member of your team. Go!
  4. Call time at the end of 5 minutes and walk around to each team. You could have the planning team or a church member serve as judge or hold your hand over each “present” and choose based on the amount of applause each team receives.
  5. Award the winners and collect the supplies.

Notes: I am always surprised by the creativity of the teams. One team used their empty wrapping paper roll and made a Statue of Liberty-like package. Another fashioned earrings for their gift.

This is a high energy, loud game that usually produces lots of laughter.

pass the package game

Pass the Package Game

Originally used for a Mother’s Day Tea, I’ve adapted the Pass the Package Game for use at a Christmas event.

You are going to need lots of wrapping paper and an assortment of boxes to pull this off. (Use up those remnants in your closet and/or grab some rolls at the Dollar Store.)

Group size: 5 – 20 (divide into multiple groups if needed)

Time needed: About 20 minutes

Supplies: Christmas music, sound system, gift(s) wrapped with multiple layers and inside multiple boxes – one per group/table, activity cards for each layer of wrapping paper (see free printable cards below), trash can.


  1. Before the event gather your gift(s), boxes, and wrapping paper – 1 per table/group depending on the size. Wrap your gift. Place a tag letting the recipient know it’s theirs to open and keep on top of the wrapping paper. Place it in a slightly large box and wrap the box. Place an activity card on the outside of the wrapping paper (ie. sing a line from a Christmas carol). Add another layer of wrapping paper, topped with another activity card. Add another box when you can. You should have layers of wrapping paper with an activity card on the top of each. I recommend at least 6 layers of paper, but no more than 10. There shouldnotbe an activity card on the outside layer.
  2. At the event, assemble women into groups if needed. Distribute 1 wrapped gift per circle/group/table. Let them know that as the music starts they need to pass the gift around the table and when the music stops to remove onelayer of wrapping paper. Start the music, pausing for unwrapping and instructions to be followed. Continue until the gift has been completely unwrapped.


Use different colors/patterns of wrapping paper so it’s easy to distinguish where a layer begins and starts. Have your camera ready to catch the fun!

Free Printable  Activity Cards

  1. christmas pass the package game cards
  2. mothers day pass the package game cards













christmas icebreaker questions

I love hearing about other people’s Christmas memories and traditions. We’re all celebrating the birth of our Savior, but in so many unique ways!

These Christmas Icebreaker Questions will spark some great Christmas-centered conversation amongst the women in your group.

Be sure to click the link to print off the list of questions – cut them up and you’re ready to go!

Group Size: 5+

Time Needed: Version 1 approx. 10 minutes; Version 2 approx. 20 minutes – depending on group size.

Supplies: Copy of Christmas Ice breaker questions cut apart; bag, stocking, or bowl to place questions in.

Instructions: Choose one version of the game below. Ask women to limit their answers to 60 seconds or less. Game ends when everyone has pulled a question OR once all questions have been pulled from the bag.

Version 1: (shorter, better for larger groups): Have each person in the group draw one question to answer aloud. Everyone answers a different question.

Version 2 (likely to take longer, best for smaller groups): Everyone answers the question that is pulled.

Notes: It’s nice to offer players a pass or chance to pull another question. You never know what might prompt a bad memory or make someone uncomfortable…

Free Printable: Christmas Ice breaker questions

Christmas Icebreaker Questions
Share a favorite Christmas memory.
What is your favorite Christmas song/carol?
When do you open/exchange presents?
What is one gift you’ll never forget receiving?
What is your favorite kind of Christmas cookie?
Share a family Christmas tradition.
It wouldn’t be Christmas without _______________.
What is one thing you REALLY want for Christmas?
What Christmas TV special/movie is a must in your family each year?
Are you traveling for Christmas? If so, where are you going?
What is your favorite kind of Christmas candy?
Name a favorite Christmas food.
Share a gift you can’t wait to give to someone this year.
What is your favorite Christmas ornament? Why?
Tell us about a special Christmas decoration.

Christmas Connection is a great Christmas icebreaker to use for your Women’s Ministry Christmas event.

It’s a game that is certain to get your group moving and connecting.

Christmas Connection

Group size: 8 or more

Time needed: Approx. 15 minutes (larger groups will likely need more time)

Supplies: One copy of Christmas Connection (click to download free PDF) per person; 1 pen/pencil per person; clock/timer. 

Christmas Connection
Directions: Connect and collect one signature per line from those in the room who can say they:
1. Have celebrated Christmas in another country __________________________
2. Have already sent Christmas cards this year __________________________
3. Favorite Christmas movie is “Elf” __________________________
4. Put up Christmas lights outside __________________________
5. Know what they are getting for Christmas this year __________________________
6. Have a live Christmas tree __________________________
7. Watch the Charlie Brown Christmas every year __________________________
8. Have been to Bethlehem __________________________
9. Still get their own stocking filled each year __________________________
10. Love hot chocolate with marshmallows __________________________
11. Returned a gift they received last Christmas __________________________
12. Have all of their Christmas shopping finished __________________________
13. Started their Christmas baking already this year __________________________
14. Don’t like egg nog __________________________
15. Haven’t done any Christmas shopping yet this year __________________________
16. Plans to attend a Christmas Eve candlelight service __________________________
17. Will be traveling out of state for Christmas this year __________________________
18. Favorite Christmas carol is “O Holy Night” __________________________
19. Are reading a Christmas/Advent devotional __________________________
20. Have re-gifted a Christmas present __________________________

Instructions: Distribute one handout (face down if possible) to each person in the room. On “go” instruct them to collect one signature per line.

  • For groups of 8-15 allow for no more than 3 signatures from the same person on each sheet.
  • For groups of 15-40 allow for no more than 2 signatures from the same person on each sheet.
  • For groups of  40+ only allow no more than 1 signature from the same person on each sheet.

Game ends at a designated time (i.e. 10 minutes) OR when the first person has completely (and correctly) filled their paper.

Connection points include: Favorite Christmas Carol is “O Holy Night”; Have re-gifted a Christmas present; Plans to attend a Christmas Even Candlelight service; Has a live Christmas tree.

Winner: The first person to correctly collect all needed signatures OR the person with the most signatures when time is called.

Notes: This game is great for bonding group members that may not know each other very well. Make sure your group has name tags on. Expect your group to get loud. Limiting the number of signatures a person can put on another’s paper forces them to interact with more people.

Permission granted to copy or reproduce for individual use only from

©Jane Logan, 2003
Ready for Christmas icebreaker
Read this icebreaker aloud at a December meeting or party. Give each guest a numbers card (see
page 3) to track their points easily. Add your own questions based on your traditions.
Question Points
If you have a real Christmas tree 5
If you helped to decorate it 10
If you are wearing something red or something Christmassy 5
If you have Christmas underwear 10
If you are a secret Santa this year 5
If you sat on Santa’s knee this year 5
And had your picture taken with him 5
And you felt jolly at the time 5
If you have ever been in a Christmas pageant 5
And were actually one of the holy family, not just an angel or a shepherd 5
Or if you were a wise man 5
Or if you were a donkey, camel or sheep 10
If you have ever worn a Santa Claus costume 5
If you have finished your Christmas shopping 10
If you have already opened a gift -5
If you bought something for yourself while Christmas shopping -10
If your birthday is in December 10
If you have ever roasted a turkey 5
If you stuffed it yourself 5
If you have worn it on your head like Mr. Bean 25
If you have ever watched Heidi on Christmas Day Or the Sound of Music or The Grinch Who Stole Christmas 5
If you went to the Santa Claus parade this year 5
If you baked cookies this month 5
If you are in a choir that sings Christmas songs 5
If they have any songs in a language other than English 5
If you will sing one of them for us now 10
If you have had eggnog this year 5
If you wrap your own gifts 5
If you have ever eaten fruitcake 5
A roasted chestnut 5
Christmas pudding 5
A Christmas goose 5
If you have kissed under the mistletoe this year 5
If you have kissed Santa Claus 5
If you have a Christmas secret that no one else in this room knows 5
For a great print out of these questions go to:


Ring a Bell Christmas Party List

This Ring a Bell Game could be lots of fun –
especially throughout a Christmas breakfast/brunch/dinner/lunch.
Each time the bell is rung the hostess is looking for someone who can meet  the requirements
of the current question/task. (ie. Can say Merry Christmas in another language.)
I also love the suggestion to have chocolate bells as prizes.

Ring a bell and then announce… “I am looking for…01. …the person who has mailed out the most Christmas cards so far this year.”

02. …the person who can say “Merry Christmas” in the most different languages.”

03. …the person who owns the most pairs of Christmas socks (Christmas earrings).”

04. …the person Who will travel the most miles/kilometers for Christmas Day dinner.”

05. …the first person who correctly list all twelve gifts in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” (all of Santas reindeer).”

06. …the person who has purchased the largest turkey for Christmas dinner.”

07. …the person who is wearing the most red and/or green.”

08. …the person who has done the most elaborate outdoor Christmas decorating of their home.”

09. …the person who has spent the most Christmases in another country.”

10. …the person who put up their Christmas tree the earliest.”

11. …the person who will host the most Christmas parties this year.”

12. …the person who owns the most Christmas music albums.”

13. …the person who will, or plans to, give the most hand-made Christmas gifts this year.”

14. …the person who has been ‘caught’ under the mistletoe the most times this Christmas season.”

15. …the person who can show me the most receipts for Christmas gifts currently in their purse/wallet.”

christmas movie trivia

I’m guessing you can’t guess all of these Christmas movies from their new titles, but let’s find out…

The titles of familiar Christmas movies have been changed.

Read the new titles and guess what the original Christmas movie title is.

Hand out the list and have guests compete to fill in the titles the quickest or give a time limit and award a prize to the guest who guessed the most correctly.

To make this fun Christmas party gamemore of an icebreaker, randomly read the crazy new titles below during the party and award small prizes to those who answer correctly first.

Name That Christmas Movie Clues

01. Excessively parsimonious solitudinarian02. Stupendous existence

03. Arctic iron horse

04. Tactics regarding yuletide swipe by verdurous antagonist

05. Unaccompanied occupation of domicile

06. Helpmate for the Pontiff

07. Yuletide footwear

08. Festive shindig

09. Vivacious bulbous spheroids of chilled precipitate

10. Niveous Yule

11. Noel for umber chuck

12. Chronicled season of Joy

13. Seasonal ditty

14. Boulevard three score and four claims unexplained phenomenon

15. Country of playthings and neonates

16. Noel over yonder

17. Tolling of campanulate metal at basilica of Holy Ancestress

18. Gateway to the city rendezvous

19. Complete journey tintinnabulations

20. Jovial north dweller

21. Destination: Homestead; Arrival date: Christmas


Name That Christmas Movie Answers

01. Scrooge / 02. It’s a Wonderful Life / 03. The Polar Express / 04. How the Grinch Stole Christmas / 05. Home Alone / 06. The Bishop’s Wife / 07. The Christmas Shoes / 08. Holiday Affair / 09. Frosty the Snowman / 10. White Christmas / 11. A Charlie Brown Christmas / 12. A Christmas Story / 13. A Christmas Carol / 14. Miracle on 34th Street / 15. Babes in Toyland / 16. Beyond Christmas / 17. Bells of St. Mary’s / 18. Meet Me in St. Louis / 19. Jingle All the Way / 20. The Santa Claus / 21. I’ll Be Home For Christmas


Advent / Christmas Ice Breakers*. Use the following Christmas-themed trivia questions to get students talking!

– Who “stole Christmas” from the Whos of Whoville in a
famous Christmas cartoon? (The Grinch)
– What do little children usually leave Santa to eat?
(milk Er cookies)
– “And heaven and nature sing” are lyrics from what
Christmas hymn? (Joy to the World)
– Who was the governor of Syria when Jesus was born?
– In which body of water would you find “Christmas
Island”? (The Indian Ocean)
– In what popular novel is it written, “It’s always winter
but it is never Christmas.” (The Chronicles of Narnia:
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) Who is that
novel’s author? (CS. Lewis)
The Season of Advent may be described in many different
ways. It is a season for hoping, waiting, preparing, rejoicing.
Often, however, we can become caught up instead in
preparations such as writing cards, decorating house and
classroom, shopping for gifts, and so on. 
The Scripture readings for the Advent Season remind us of God’s call to prepare hearts and minds for the coming of His Son as well — encourage us to find a way to bring Christ’s love and light to all we do to get ready for Christmas. When sending Christmas cards, do we take the time to write a special note to a loved one we have not seen in some time? As we shop for gifts for family and friends, do we keep in mind the love behind the giving? As we decorate at home and at work, do we offer a prayer for those whose surroundings and circumstances are not as cheerful as it could be?
Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt (Free Printable)

Christmas Light Scavenger Hunts can be a fun way to fellowship with the women in your Bible study, Small Group, Women’s Ministry Team, and church.

Click the link to download the free PDF of this Christ-focused  Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt .

You have permission to make copies for your church or personal event.

Note: You’ll find much of the list to be Christ-focused, which may make it a bit more challenging. Participants are required to note the street and house number of each item.


  • Putting a time limit on the hunt, but one that does not encourage speeding!
  • Releasing the teams gradually.
  • Continuing the fellowship and fun afterward with a hot chocolate bar and goodies.
  • Adding a bonus for the most unique décor found.
  • Rewarding the team that found the most items (rather than the first to return).
  • Distributing maps of the immediate area (with or without hints) – remember not everyone lives close by.
  • Hunting in a large drive-thru display.

May your group enjoy their search for Christmas in their community!

Instructions: You task is to locate the following Christmas décor items. Street names and house numbers must be noted for each item found.
Please Write the Street Name & House Number
 Angel ________________________

 Nativity Scene ________________________
 Blue Lights ________________________

 Oversized Ornaments ________________________
 Candy Cane(s) ________________________

 Presents ________________________
 Cross ________________________

 Rope Lights ________________________
 Deer (2 or more) ________________________

 Shepherd(s) ________________________
 House With All
white/clear lights ________________________

 Snowflakes ________________________
 House With Music Playing ________________________

 Wise Men ________________________
 Inflatable Snow Globe ________________________
 Words “Merry Christmas” ________________________
 Manager ________________________

 Word “Noel” ________________________

Printable can be found at:



  Iryna wrote @

I’m in love with these games! We will be using many of them at our parish this year.

  ucymb wrote @

There are some really good ones there to try!! Let me know how they work out!! Glad we can help!!

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